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Market Shop Main Street Sbk At the Silver Saver Shirebrook

Don't Mention Me on Your Web Page!!!
Reply to you SUE "I will Not Mention You"
Psst,, She works HERE !( Don't tell her I told you )
Special Feature on The
History of Shirebrook

Coal Mining Working and
The Closure and the effect's
Past and Preasent
Have you
got a story ? you
would Like to tell, Just like
Then Send it in
to Share with others

From:Gary Fox
Any old streetmaps of Shirebrook would be useful. My late grandmother
(maiden name Tickhill)was born at 1 Minerva Street,
Shirebrook, but I have been unable to locate this street.
Would anyone at Shirebrook.net have any ideas please?
p.s. My great grandfather was chairman of the Derbysire Mines Executive Union Committee
at Shirebrookfor 8 years from 1897

From: Dave & Mhairi Goodwin
think Minerva St may have been off of Vernon Street before it was knocked down
years ago. Vernon St is near the old Shirebrook rail station
now on the Robin Hood line. Of course having been away from Shirebrook
for 30 years I could be wrong
Dave Goodwin
Reply:Thank you If anyone could help Please send them in and
they will be forwarded on and would make a nice contribution.
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

From: Carol Clark
Date: Sat 21/09/2001
Comments:Have contacted you before.
Through you I have been reunited with an old
friend and her family. A big thank you again!!
My name is Carol Clark. Have just tried to email Judy Moore. For some
reason my email will not send. if she would like to mail me
I remember school and the best memory is of Mrs. Boyd I think she was
the Geography teacher.
You are doing a great job Glenn Look forward to her contacting me.
Thanks Carol.
Reply:Thank you for your kind comments I hope you get lucky again!!
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

From: Rachel Stafford
Date: Sat 21/09/2001
Comments:Thank you for a wonderful web site.
I am so glad I found it. I was born and raised in Shirebrook on Merchant Street.
Left school at the tender age of 14 in 1944 and became self reliant.
Went to Langwith Road Infants School where Mrs Hibbert was the headmistress.
Carter Lane school where Miss Nixon was the Headmistress,
and Model Village where Mrs Faulkner was the headmistress.
Alas, Merchant Street, Shirebrook pit and the Gas Works are no longer there.
My sister, Martha Shepherd lives on Central Drive and has lived in Shirebrook
all her life. So did my brother, George Elliott until his death a few years ago.
My memories are the memories of my childhood during the second world war.
They are good memories and sad memories of times past.
My name was Rachel Elliott and I doubt if anyone would remember me because
I was a solitary child. But I would love to hear from anyone in Shirebrook
or the surrounding areas. My brother, Frank, lives in Meaden Vale,
it used to be called Welbeck Colliery Village.
I have lived in Arizona, USA for 25 years and last visited Shirebrook 4 years ago.
Thank you again for the web site.
Reply:Thank you for If anyone would like to make contact
Please send them in we will forward them on
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn

From: Margaret & Wally Barnes
Date: Sat 21/09/2001
Does anyone have photos or other memorabilia of Amateur Dramatic and Choral
societies in Shirebrook and Langwith Junction during the War years (40s)?
My Father - Harry Barnes - was a stalwart of Chatsworth Singers and Players
and also of Aeolian S & P, as was my Mother Maggie Barnes.
Wally (Walter) ex Langwith Junction
Reply:Thank you for If anyone could help
Please send them in we will forward them on
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

From: Judy Ford
Date: Sat 19/09/2001
Comments:Hello Shirebrook,
I am in Edinburgh and just having a look around and low and behold
I came across my home town.
The photo's of main street bring back lots of memories.
I am sure I have some old photo's somewhere, I will dig them out.
I am writing to ask if I you would put a link onto our web site,
we are a long way off but we may tempt people into coming up to Edinburgh
for their holidays - just about 5 hours by road.
If you will put a link to my site - the address is www.graylinetours.com
drop me a line I'm going to have a rake around now to see
if their are any faces on any pictures anywhere.
Reply:Thank you for your Valuable Contribution
The rest of your story can be read here ....
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

Fiction - Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson

Last update 27/12/2000
Classical - McCartney-Working Classical by Paul McCartney
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