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Market Shop Main Street Sbk At the Silver Saver Shirebrook

Don't Mention Me on Your Web Page!!!
Reply to you SUE "I will Not Mention You"
Psst,, She works HERE !( Don't tell her I told you )
Special Feature on The
History of Shirebrook

Coal Mining Working and
The Closure and the effect's
Past and Preasent
Have you
got a story ? you
would Like to tell, Just like
Then Send it in
to Share with others

From: Karen Goodwin
Date: Tue 10/04/2001
Comments:So happy to see Shirebrook on the map.
We left shirebrook almost 30years ago.
The site always brings a tear to my eye.
Visiting the site is almost like being back home, without the pints.
Keep up the good work.
Reply: Thank You for your Kind Comments, don't drink my self.
But I am sure there are plenty how will have a pint for you !!
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

From: Paddy Merrill
Date: Sat 17/03/2001
Looking for Aunt Mill !! Born Abt 1877
I remember as visiting great aunty Amelia (nee Spencer) think her married name
Jackson after the war on the back of my brother's motor bike. She lived in Council
Flats near Langton Junction and we stayed in Mansfield. Can anyone tell me the
address for the Council or somewhere that I could possible find living relatives.
loved your site thanks Reg
Reply: There not much to go on but may be someone will get in contact
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

From: Andrew Marshall
Date: Sat 17/03/2001

First of all, excellent work on the website - you've obviously put a *lot*
of time into it, and it was fascinating to see the yesteryear section.
Let me explain my connection: my name is Andrew Marshall, and I'm British
(although I live in the USA). My father, Haydn Marshall, was born in
Shirebrook in May 1912.  
I know very little about my family (my father died when I was young), and
I've been trying to do some research, but with little success from this far
away. I'm looking for someone local in Shirebrook to do some digging for me,
and I'd be more than happy to either pay for their time or make an
appropriate contribution to the charity of their choice if this would be
better. Do you know anyone?
All I know is this:
My father, Haydn, was one of four brothers: Charles, Aubrey, himself and
Dennis. Their father was a George Marshall, who ran a printing business
(and, I believe, a newspaper) in Shirebrook. On George's death in 1928/29,
Aubrey took over the business (which later failed). George was a conductor
of a local orchestra, and I believe his wife (my Grandmother)'s name was
Florence, who died in the 1940's.
Trust you can help, or point me in the direction of someone who could.
Reply: I will endeavour to look into this for you and I will get back to
you in the not to distant future.
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

From: Abraham Celikoz
Date: Thurs 15/03/2001
Comments:I came across this site while surfing for ones related to Pleasley,
where I lived during the early to mid-1960's before leaving with my family for Canada.
I have been lost in the wonderful pictures for the past hour.
Thank you for the wonderful job you've been able to do and especially
to all those who have contributed stories and pictures.
Maria, Toronto
Reply: Thank you for you comments, and your very Posative Comments
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thankyou: glenn.

From: Janice Booker
Date: Wed 19/02/2001
Comments: Hello Carol, I was browsing this site and came across your contribution.
My Mum and Dad and your family were friends. You may remember I was a bridesmaid
with you at your Shirley's wedding. If you would like to contact me,
I would love to hear from you.

From: Carol Clark
Date: Wed 23/02/2001
Comments: Just want to say a big Thank You. Through your web site I have been contacted this week
by a once close and very dear friend. A friend I have thought of often,
and now living in Canada never thought this was possible,
not having her married name or address. So thanks again and a great site.
Reply: Thankyou for you comments, It was a Pleasure I am so pleased for you, it makes the whole site worth while.
As always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn

From: Ron Brown
Date: Wed 27/12/2000
Comments:hi there, trying to contact june riley
daughter of fred riley who lived on sookholme lane, shirebrook, in the 1950s..
Fred was for many years on the maintenance staff at shirerook colliery..
i find it difficult to find june not knowing her married name.
my wife is shirley nee (julian) a friend of june riley in their school days..
i would be obliged if some info of june could be found..
Reply: Thankyou for you comments, as always if you wan
t to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thank you: glenn.

Fiction - Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson

Last update 27/12/2000
Classical - McCartney-Working Classical by Paul McCartney
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