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From: E.Dyck
Date: 06/12/00
I live in Ontario,Canada. For about fifty years
family has owned a small summer resort (which ceased to
operate as a "resort" in 1969) named Scarcliffe Lodge.
The building can accomodate approximately 34 guests
and is situated on 75 acres of lakefront property on Lake Muskoka,
just west of Bracebridge, Ontario. The original part
of the lodge was built in the late 1800's by a man with the surname
"Kaye" and wondering if you had any information or suggestions
on where I could find any interesting information relating to the name "Scarcliffe"?
Thank you very much, E.Dyck
I assure you I will be back in touch

From: Eileen
Date: 21/11/00
 I am contacting you on behalf of my father who is 81 years old.
He was in the Leicestershire Regiment with a young man (then) from Shirebrook,
they were based at South Wigston Barrecks in 1937-38.
He often reminisces and if this man is alive,
I would like to get them in touch with one another.
My fathers name is Tommy Blower from Worksop,
his friend from Shirebrook was Sid Rutter.
If you have a local paper could you pass my e-mail address on and my enquirey.
Sincere Thanks
Thank you: for contacting me I will look into it on your behalf and see what I can find out.
I assure you I will be back in touch

From: Bren Leicester
Date: 07/08/00
Comments: I was thrilled to find this web site! My ancestors originate from Shirebrook
and I'm to make my first visit there next week...can't wait! If anyone remembers
the Lefley family who I think lived at Model Village, I'd love to hear your memories.
Thank you:

From: Dave Goodwin
Date: Sun Jun/30/2000
Comments: Hi it's great to see a shirebrook site I left shirebrook about 28 years ago
but I don't think Shirebrook will ever leave me,
it's good to see something on the net that is from home.
I check the local papers ( Chad and Derbyshire times etc )
on the web but I don't often find anything specific about Shirebrook.
I've bookmarked this site so will keep checking in.
Reply: Thankyou for you comments, as always if you want to see something
or make a contribution then send it in.
or post your comments.
Thankyou: glenn.

Date: Sun Jun/11/2000
Comments: Just found this website and have not had chance to have a good look through it yet.
I lived in Shirebrook from 1954 to 1975 when I emigrated to Vancouver, Canada.
I went to Shirebrook Comprehensive from 65 to 72, prior to that Park Road Junior School.
It's great to see a website from my home town and I intend to give it a thorough review.
If anybody out there remembers me drop me an email.

Submission !
From: Roy Gregory
Date: 29/03/00
My father worked in the mines around Ilkeston for 57 years,
I am very proud of this and I have a great respect for miners,
even though some of them were not fit for any other form of employment.
All my local pals went down the mine and I was tempted at one time to be one of the lads.
I am sure glad I didn't, I have done extremely well here in the USA.
Reply: Thankyou for your Submission
It is nice for you to Let others share your story

Submission !
From: Betty. Canada
Date: 12/03/00

Fiction - Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson
Last update 27/12/2000
Classical - McCartney-Working Classical by Paul McCartney
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